Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 Wednesday's Assignment

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 Wednesday's Assignment

  1. Select your 10 hardest words from this Vocabulary List

Conservation: The act of protecting nature – water, plants and wildlife.

Drainage Basin: An area drained by a river system. A drainage basin acts like a funnel collecting all the water within the area covered by the basin and channeling it into a waterway. An example is the Great Lakes drainage basin.

Ecology: The study of the relationships between living organisms (plants, animals) and their environment. Ecosystem: A collection of living things and the environment in which they live.

Estuary: A wide body of water formed where a large river meets the sea. Estuaries experience tidal flows and their water is a changing mixture of fresh and salt water.

Fertilizer: Any substance, such as manure or a mixture of chemicals, added to soil to increase its productivity.

Invasive Species: A non-native species that is so reproductively successful and aggressive that it can dominate an area often to the point of becoming a monoculture. It interferes with the natural functioning and diversity of the ecosystem where it becomes established.

Mollusk: An invertebrate animal living in water and often having a soft body, protected by a hard outer shell. An example is a zebra mussel.

Phosphate: A major nutrient required for good crop nutrition and plant growth; it is highly reactive and quickly binds to other elements. It is also found in commonly used soaps. A large buildup of phosphates can remove the oxygen from natural bodies of water.

Pollutant: Any substance, such as chemicals or waste products, that makes the air, soil, or water harmful or unsuitable.

Predator: An organism that kills and consumes another organism (prey); includes animals eating other animals, and animals eating plants.

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